<aside> 💡 ZKorum is open-contribution and entirely open-source: you do no need to “trust” us, you can verify the source code on GitHub!


**Our Verifiable and Privacy-Preserving Posting Protocol, based on Verifiable Credentials and Zero Knowledge (ZK) proofs, allows users to have granular control over their identities and data on social media. This solution not only prevents bots or fake accounts but also maximizes user privacy. For example, if someone posts as an anonymous French citizen, we can cryptographically prove that this post indeed comes from a user with a French ID, although we do not know who this person is. The origin of each post is encrypted on the client side (user’s device) preventing anyone from linking posts to authors.**

Anonymous vs Pseudonymous

Discover the cutting-edge technologies that makes our protocol privacy-preserving, verifiable, inclusive, and censorship-resistant.
