In liberal democracies worldwide, an alarming trend of polarization is taking hold.

Mainstream social media, designed to entertain, does not help users become better citizens. Instead, it has bred a toxic place, where differing opinions are met with hostility rather than dialogues. Platforms become weaponized for computation propaganda. We can no longer be sure if we're debating with real humans or bots.

We need a better solution for democratic discourse.

Enter Agora, a privacy-first polling and wikisurvey platform, designed to resist censorship and manipulation. It allows governments and civil societies to facilitate large-scale discussions on controversial political and social issues. Whether tackling local or global matters, Agora provides citizens with a secure and open space to voice opinions, explore diverse perspectives, and build common ground in complex situations.

To build Sybil Resistance, Agora will rely on a Self Sovereign Identity (a privacy-preserving identity verification) system using Personhood Credentials.

To depolarize and bridge the divides, we are experimenting with bridging based ranking systems in order to identify and promote opinions that are shared by people from a diverse range of perspectives. One example is, a Wiki-Survey tool used by the most innovative democracy projects including vTaiwan and RadicalxChange.

Advocates of transparency, we are strongly committed to open-source, so users are not solely reliant on trust but can actively inspect our practices. Additionally, rather than security through obscurity, open-source projects have better reliability and security. We invite all interested parties to audit, review, and validate our codebase.

Furthermore, it's important to recognize that our project owes its existence to the collaborative efforts of numerous open-source projects in the realm of Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Auth. This synergy allows us to propel forward with greater speed and reach, demonstrating the immense potential of open-source collaboration.

Join our Discord and be a part of this empowering journey! ❤️